After the initial interview, the examiner has gone over all the questions in the polygraph applicant booklet. And now the process is being transitioned into actually starting the polygraph test. One of the things the examiner wants to do is to make sure that you, the applicant, has revealed all the information that should have been revealed via the examiner applicant booklet. This is the reason for the polygraph test after interview.
Polygraph test after interview.
Also, what is important, is if there are things on your mind that have not been covered relative to the questions in the applicant booklet but could be bothering you. They may be questions or situations that aren’t really relevant to the applicant booklet direct questions, but may be on your mind. I have had many applicants who have had issues from their past that were not relevant to anything that we needed to test for. That being said, and I will say this again on future posts that the human “”machine”” is a very complex machine. Polygraph has a very heavy leaning in psychology. And what a person thinks weighs very heavily into the testing process.
Here are some examples.

Test subject John Doe,
He did not do well on the sex crime question. After running the initial tests and him doing very poorly on that subject area (sex), I asked him what was bothering him and why he was reacting so much to the sex crime question.
After going back over all the questions in reference to sex crimes, he said I have not committed a sex crime “”BUT”” and that was a big word but he said he had an issue three years ago…..
He said he had a girlfriend that wanted him to rape her and choke her, ““role-playing“”. He said, “”I’m not the kind of guy that can do that, but it really bothered me that she wanted me to do that and I was really thinking about that while we were testing the sex crime question.””
The test subject was absolutely correct, that it was bothering him, because even Ray Charles could see the reactions he had on his polygraph test.
For a follow-up test, I went back over the sex crime questions in the applicant booklet. He told me that he actually had not committed any sex crime. I “”walked”” him through it and I told him that he may have had a kinky girlfriend but what two consenting adults do among themselves is not necessarily a crime.
I asked him again if he forced himself on his girlfriend. He said “”no, I cannot do that kind of stuff, I’m not that kind of man.””
We ran what is called a breakdown polygraph tests. This test is designed to test specifically in the issue (question) that the applicant is having problems with. He did fine on that after it was clear in his mind that he did not commit any sex crime.
I have had several other men with similar issues. These men were actually married and their wives actually wanted them to “”slap”” them around a little and get rough with them during their sexual encounter. Again with these men I had to make sure it was clear in their mind that even though they were in a kind of kinky weird situation, it is not a crime.

Test subject Jane Doe,
I have had similar examples of out lier issues with women. It is unfortunate but people do have tragedies in their lives.
In past testing, in my experience, I have some women who do not do well on the sex crime question or on the domestic violence question. I have become accustomed to making sure that I cover these questions completely with them.
The reason some of these women do not do well on the sex crime question or the domestic violence question is that they have been a victim of those particular crimes.
I have had many of my female test applicants who have been a victim of a sexual crime. Others have been a victim of a violent physical assault against them by their significant other.
On those two subject areas of testing sex crimes and domestic violence assault crimes, I have to go into depth, with especially women who have been a victim of these assaults.
With women in this type of situation, I have to clear it up in their minds that we do not care about the victim side of their unfortunate event. I tell them that we wish it never would have occurred, but that is not what we are looking at as far as their particular situation.
I tell them that, in testing for pre-employment, we are testing for people who have character flaws or anger management character issues.
This is one area that I have to really hone in on psychologically especially with women. Sometimes I have this issue with men but it doesn’t seem as prominent.
What I really try to press home with women and men as far as what we are testing for especially in those two subject areas, sex crimes and domestic violence issues is are you the perpetrator or aggressor. I try to clear up in their mind that we are not looking to test them as being a victim of these events. We are only testing as they are sitting here now as a person that is the aggressor of the perpetrator of such crimes.

Test subject areas
When I have gone over everything that we need to test for, we then we go over the questions that will be asked on the polygraph test.
The test questions ultimately that will be gone over, these are the following subject areas:
1.) Theft questions about stealing anything valued over $50.
2.) Being affiliated with any gang.
3.) Any domestic violence issues.
4.) Any illegal drug related issues.
5.) Any sex crime issues.
6.) Any serious crime issues.
Post-initial interview
Content goes here.
Preparing to test
This will be my next post.
Any questions or comments please ask away.